Are you happy with the artwork in Bend's roundabouts?
Yes (tell us which one is your favorite)
No, I don't care.
Debra Sun-Mills
Not happy with most of the weird artwork that I wouldn't call artwork, but I DO like the metal trees over by Murphy and 97 by Walmart. Esp. when the wind blows, very pretty. And those metal deer sculptures are pretty (forgot where they are) but most of the sculptures I wouldn't call art.
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Richard Peil
This non-sensical “art” is a long standing game plan of communism. Just google “communist goals 1963” and you can read about it.
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Brian Tilden
Don’t see why it matters, should be focused on the road and idiots who don’t know how to use them…not the art work
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Kimmy Wasatch
Have no idea what some of them mean if anything and think funds could be put to better use.
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I like the soldiers on reed market rd
Replyi like the one that changes colors at Shevlin Park Rd. and Mt. Washington Blvd.