Are you excited or concerned about the arrival of rental electric bikes in Central Oregon?
It's bad enough we have to watch out for drunk tourists on foot, now they'll be on bikes too.....
Reply ReplyBend, especially has enough traffic problems without having to deal with electric bikes.
Reply ReplyAnother hazard for us to deal with. Drunk e-bike riders. What could possibly go wrong. I wonder if they will have insurance to pay for accidents?
Reply ReplyBicycles of any kind have no place whatsoever on public roads, it is an obvious accident waiting to happen, people deliberately put themselves in harms way! Bicycles should be expressly forbidden on road with NO SHOULDER!!! They do not have and should not have any right of way, they pay no taxes!
Reply ReplyThey will be left all over the place and there needs to be more straight laws. Like are you a pedestrian or a car? Forced to wear helmets if you are using any turning lanes or round a bouts. If they are a car forced to stop at signals and signs. They rule the road in bend and don't get the liability
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Dumb poll but E Bikes are not a big deal I have 2 we ride them all over The ones in picture look kind of cheap. Really a Worthless Poll to make people take a side