Are you anxious to get a new Real I.D.?
What is the point if we are giving a drivers license to undocumented people who by definition means unverified people? They don't show Birth Certificate or SSN to get a license like I have to.
Reply Replythis is only necessary because our liberal state gov't made a mockery of the driver license by allowing ILLEGAL occupants to have it...legally.
Reply ReplyI have my passport so for me it's a non-issue, however, I think it's unacceptable that Oregon hasn't made this the priority it should be.
Reply ReplyI was born and raised in this country and served 20 years in the Military why should I have to keep proving it. If you are here illegally get the hell out.
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My license is good for several years. Now I will have to pay to get a real ID when it is being required to fly domestic. If you already have a valid license the real ID should be a nominal fee.
Reply ReplyI have two other ID’s. My passport and drivers license. WHY do I need one more. So the state can make more money off us
Reply ReplyThis feels like another way to dip into your wallet unnecessarily. I too have a passport that should be adequate proof of citizenship.
Reply ReplyI already have a passport. It is about time Oregon got with the program.
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I sometimes travel and want to be able to without having to worry. I don't like that it will cost me more. The money should come out of Trump's personal account.
ReplyHeck yes...Oregon is about 15 yrs behind the times in this area!!!
ReplyDoesn't matter, if it makes travel easier so be it.
ReplyWhy not, if you think government doesn't know you, think again!!! Anything to make travel easier!!!!