Are metered roundabouts a good idea?
Yes, for traffic!
No, that's awful
I have traveled throughout the UK for years where round-a-bouts well facilitate the flow of traffic. Bend's problem is that people don't know how to properly navigate these traffic circles.
Reply ReplyABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! Big mistake and reversed on East coast congested round-d-rounds. Reverted to slower traffic movement prior to signal lights. Bend receiving Gov. test money only!!! Don't buy into it
Reply ReplyWhy on earth would you think putting meter lights on a roundabout would be a good idea? Bend would be better served with large signs in English and Spanish telling people how to use their blinkers!
Reply ReplyThe reason there is a problem is that they made them too small in diameter. Another example of the lack of planning by the city leaders, much like the very expensive Junipter Ridge mess.
Reply ReplyPutting art in the middle also didn't help. an inside lane for small cars to travel around would have been nicer.
We were told roundabouts, the engineers said, would make the traffic better . Now that's not true and we need to waste more money on lights to make traffic safer. We should of only put lights
Reply ReplyThe roundabout isn't the problem. I've been through hundred around Europe. It's the people here who don't signal out of it that causes hesitation and delay for many users. So frustrating.
It's worth a try.
ReplyIts good when school gets out
ReplyMetering access is a somewhat good idea. But it's a bandaid to the real problem: round-abouts cause smooth, unbroken traffic flow that makes access to streets between them difficult and unsafe.
ReplySounds good by the statistics, but let's see if it moves the traffic faster and safer....
ReplyIt's good to try. It works in metro areas for freeway access. Some don't know how to access roundabouts, but when there's traffic its common for many cars to go by access points backing up traffic.