Do you think college athletes should unionize?

Colleges are for educating students, not for running professional sports teams. If players want to be paid then they should skip college and go straight to the pros. I will ruin college sports.
Reply ReplyA stipend should suffice. We need to keep college sports as un professional as possible. Unions will only cause conflict and missed games, walk outs etc. A loss of fan support would follow.
Reply ReplyThey may not get everything...but they get more than than the average Scholarship student gets. They also have the opportunity for an education to fall back on if they don't play professional sports
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because, while the NCAA does not handle everything correctly, these players are students with scholarships, not workers. Just because their is a buck to confiscate does not make them workers.
Reply ReplyNot true at all. They are workers. They spend 40-50 a week with sports. More during the season. They make hundreds of millions of dollars for others.
While they are part of the team sure. But none of the players receive physical therapy 20 years later. The players need a union they are being taken advantage of.
They get free food, free housing, free education, and a stipend. More and the common students will suffer.
Reply ReplyActually many Athletic Departments are an individual financial entity. Athletic department money is not funneled into academia.
1) they are not employees. 2) unions SUCK. 3) the athletes are paid well enough with the opportunities they receive through the schools they represent. 4) nothing good has happened to athletics since
Reply ReplyUnionization will destroy college athletics. Unionization of anything in today's world destroy's any business entity, not only economically, but functional efficiency as well.
Reply ReplyThe threat of a union is good. The actualization of a union fails to address the problem.
Reply ReplyMost have scholarships and/or great meal plans and other privileges others do not get...NO
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It is unfair to make others hundreds of millions and be offered an education which is maybe worth 50k. The best players leave early anyway, no education. Pool the D1 union money and split it evenly.