Are you planning to attend the Trump rally in Coachella?
McKinley Marshall
All Trump’s #Crackerpaloozer rally will do is attract violent misogynist, racist, xenophobic, uneducated weirdos to the Coachella Valley. Stop the grift!
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Manuel Nelson
Our democracy cannot lose to fascism. Support for Trump does exactly that.
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I believe Trump will fight for what we all believe in the last four years has been the worst for all Americans financially spiritually emotionally. We can have these liars in the house we need Trump. We need him to help fight for America for our rights. He is strong and powerfuland. Vote Trump!
ReplyPresident Trump is our best option to save our constitutional republic. Make living affordable again.
ReplyAt the hands of crooked Joe this country is being destroyed. Trump sees puts the American people first. We the People love TRUMP
ReplyBecause I’m sick of failing democratic policies. Which fails the people of the state
Reply100 percent, My President !!!