Commented "We don't allow underage to do any of a number of activities, jobs, take medications, etc., without parental consent. Parents must have the ultimate authority over their own children, even some parents are idiots! Remember CDC in 12/20 said 78% of Covid deaths/hospitalizations were overweight/obese!!"
Commented "Including vaping/marijuana cuz more and more driving infractions are showing increase in those under the influence. New studies show brain impairment in children from exposure to marijuana products. "
Commented "From the very beginning we should have been addressing comorbidities (obesity, Type 2 diabetes, high bp, etc.) along with masks & social distancing. In Dec 2020 CDC said that 78% of Covid deaths & hospitalizations were in those overweight or obese. Perhaps over 600,000 may have been saved!"
Commented "We have plenty of laws that are not adequately enforced, although criminals don't obey these laws and won't obey any new ones. First, we need to be addressing morals and behaviors in grade school and holding parents accountable!"
Commented "Mass vaccination in itself is encouraging the coronavirus to seek out & create resistant variants. Unless you also require ALL folks to reduce THEIR comorbidities that cause THEM to suffer more serious Covid symptoms/death, it's unfair to require jabs for those who proactively work at optimal health"
Commented "Since late 2019, we have been working on improving our own immunity and general health. Elderly 92-year-old mother was off 8-9 medications by Feb 2020 and now has NO comorbidities. We've lost weight and optimized lab values. Feel this is safer and better option for Covid resistance! "