Should Tony Blair be tried for War Crimes?
one of a few reasons, he is clearly culpable, plus the decision to go to war in Iraq rested on him agreeing to it...also, by arresting and charging him it will take out a lynch pin, that hopefully may begin to bring Bush?? and a few more to may help take down some of the evil Cabal.
ReplyAdd George Bush to that
ReplyThe case that Tony Blair premeditated the war with Iraq has been made beyond doubt. Even when the British people made clear their misgivings he went about creating false premises for war such as WMD etc Now we have 1 million dead, middle east in fames and mass immigration destroying Europe GUILTY
ReplyMainly yes,,, but it should include the US administration, Bush et al.
ReplyIt is a serious crime. If we let him off, future government officials will continue to do the same; break the law whenever it suits them and to think they are above it. Law is the same for everybody. It is just LAW.
ReplyPeople lost their lives at the hands of this monster, him and Bush and their greed for oil is the reason people lost their family, homes and their lives. Anybody else would have been in Jail a long time ago but because he has money he's still walking about
ReplyHe knew perfectly well that there were no WMDs. Ask Hans Blix
ReplyTony Blair should be accountable for his actions which led to the death of millions. This is totally unacceptable.
ReplyYes, shouldn't even be debated, he is a liar, the evidence proves he is a war criminal and a psychopath.
ReplyA better man could have stopped the war
ReplyThere must be accountability. He lied and he took the country to war on a false premise which killed thousands of people. He must stand trial.
ReplyHe didn't care about reasons for war he just participated to achieve dominance and interests of his interest group by all means ending up in destruction of one countri, with milions dead and milions dispersed like 1.3 million Christians chased out of their ancestors land.
ReplyMillions been sayin that since 2003
ReplyFor justice !
ReplyHe knew there were no WMD he lied to the government and to the people, innocent children have been killed by his lies, he wanted war no matter what, well now he has to pay for his crimes
ReplyBecause I have a working brain.
ReplyTaking a country to war based on a manipulation of the facts which resulted in the death over over a million people just to further a geopolitical agenda. People are behind bars for less
Replythere is no doubt that he is guilty of a war of agression , and after he did a good job for his handlers he was given a consultancy at JP Morgan , he deserves to be in prison with his handlers and all of their associates . Charges could be brought if there was a will , and so they should be .
ReplyIt's time to bring Justin to Humanity so many life Been taking for no reason at all just because the war Games it's time for we can stand in Say no more*
ReplyElite criminals must be brought to justice.
ReplyBecause he lied. Because Of David Kelly.Because he knew the information to be wrong & sided with Bush ,not the British people! He LIED end of.
ReplyBecause the world needs to see that British justice does the job its supposed to. All to many times there seems to be one law for the people and different law for the elite!
ReplyBecause transparency is essential in working out the chain of events that led to many deaths, so it never happens again.
ReplyBecause he lied to the world and promoted an illegal war that has killed, maimed and displaced tens of thousands of people and the chaotic aftermath is still continuing
ReplyIf he gets away with this it will only encourage others to do even worse things. Blair must be tried.
ReplyBecause he lied
ReplyFor deliberately invading the sovereign nation Iraq and murdering thousands of civilians knowing full well Iraq did not have WMDs. After that the same process was followed for Libya and now Syria. Using Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists as proxy invasion forces working for US/UK and NATO.
Replyof course he should! basic easy read article of what exactly constitutes a war crime and a (sorry for this DF link) typical mainstream misdirection and hypocritical bull crud
ReplyHe was, and is, a slimy elite scum liar. Of course he should be tried, along with Bush and the rest of the mad neo con shitbags.
ReplyTony Blair's lies killed way to many folks with many totally innocent civilians. Can we send rope?
ReplyCrime should never pay.
ReplyBecause "everybody is equal in the eyes of the law" and it is about time that politicians/elites started to be punished for their crimes.
ReplyBlair lied about WMD and David Kelly's blood is on his hands. Evil little despot
ReplyHe misled Parliament
ReplyIs this a rhetorical question?
ReplyAs should Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Hillary. Better late than never that the law apply to political leaders and their appointees.
ReplyEvil to him who evil thinks
ReplyBecause he is a war criminal with blood on his hands!
ReplyBecause he lied to us to get his way and make himself and some very powerful people richer, The results are death and mayhem on a massive scale.
ReplyHis lies and underhand methods to go to war cost thousands of lives. He needs to be accountable - justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.
ReplyTaking your nation to war is one of the most serious decisions any political leader will take during their leadership. Tony Blair did so under false pretenses, and this is historical fact. No cheap semantic excuse concocted by Blair changes that. He should be in the Hague now.
Replyhe's a criminal
ReplyIt's so obvious that he knew the reasons for the Iraq invasion were lies the same as his buddy GW bush did. Blair and many others including Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld should be tried for war crimes against humanity.
ReplyWaited a long time to see Blair bought to account and some justice for this illegal war on Iraq