Would you prefer to pump your own gas or not?
Yes, it's faster!
No, don't want to.
Came from a state where you had to pump my own gas and it is not easy to do in your 80’s
Reply ReplyWhy would I want to pump gas. I love full service gas stations and often tip the attendants. Self service gas pumps equals loss of jobs and inconvenience for customers. Please Oregon, stay unique.
Reply Replyi just had back surgery - definitely not pumping my own gas. Plus, we travel in between Washington and California - I love the fact that we can come back to Oregon and not have to get out of the car
Reply ReplyI've poor health and greatly appreciate those who work hard and pump my gas. They need jobs too.
Reply ReplyWhy is everyone in such a hurry? Waste too much time on social media perhaps?
Reply ReplyI have never had so much trouble getting gas as when I went on a trip to Az. last year. Can't use cash and couldn't get the gas to start because every pump is different. Had to get help several times.
Reply ReplyThe excuse that pumping gas is dangerous is ridiculous. Millions of people pump gas everyday without injury to themselves, others or their vehicle. It is worth it to me to pay for the service.
Reply ReplyI don't mind, either way. But didn't I hear the law says the price has to stay the same?
Reply ReplyBecause I don't want to smell like gas or get out in the weather. I also don't want to go inside if I pay with cash
Reply ReplySelf-pumping gas in Oregon would eliminate those jobs for people who currently do this service.
Reply ReplyI think safety and security are both issues. A hired attendant is a safer option, especially for women in a car alone.
Reply ReplyBecause I like having my gas pumped.. I've never pumped my gas in Oregon... native Oregonian.. More jobs for Oregon... We don't need people being in a hurry pumping there own gas...slow down
Reply ReplyThe amount of jobs that would be lost seems would be a blow to a part of the community that already struggles to afford the cost of living in our area. Job elimination for convenience, no way!
Reply Reply
yeah because you could die from corona
ReplyAbsolutely! Coming from states where you do pump your own, it is definitely faster. At places like Fred Meyer that serve many people, attendants don’t always get to the people who got there 1st. Arg!
ReplyYes, but, I wish they all had those clips that allowed you to start fueling and then hang out in your car until the tank was full. Some still do, but, I feel like they're increasingly rare.
ReplyNothing like waiting for the employee to finally get to refueling your car and then waiting again for the employee to hang up the hose. Having said that, I do use full service when in medically need.
ReplyBecause I can get in and out quick and don't have to wait in line for gas station employees who are the slowest individuals in the free universe lol!
ReplyBecause I'm not lazy and I am not incompetent-it is faster and in tune with the vast majority of the other 49 states-can't believe Oregon is still living in the dark ages-MG what is wrong with you pep
ReplyYes, absolutely!!! I've only lived in Bend for 3 years, and I find it slow and inconvenient. Even in bad weather, I'd rather not wait for an attendant.
ReplyAnd the price for self service needs to be less than full service
ReplyGrowing up in Ohio I've pumped gas for years. I never minded it.
ReplyIt is better for the environment as the nozzle does not remain in the tank with fumes escaping until the attendant is able to return to your vehicle.
ReplyYou do not have to but it should be your choice.
ReplyGas prices would be cheaper for one thing and service would be much faster!
ReplyLet station owners decide how to serve their customers and then consumers can choose where to buy. I prefer to just take care of it myself rather than wait until the attendant gets around to me.