Do you support a direct compensation model for college athletes?
Chuck Siegel
Compensation changes the entire dynamic of college athletics, and not in a positive way.
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Robert Lloyd
They should be students and NOT professional athletes. If they want to get paid they can go pro. Personally, I believe they should cancel all sports in public schools and colleges though I love our Huskers.
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Scott Ferguson
They already live better than most students. Free room and board, tutors, clothing, and actual education cost.
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Compensation has always been tied to market value. These athletes are worth far more than they're being compensated, and that's been the case for over a century. Hence, they've been ripped off. I support salary, salary cap, and education on how to invest it in 401k style accounts.
ReplyMuch more controllable, and much more equitable.
Replyits the law................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ReplyIt has to fair across the board, from Fordham to Alabama. one monthly stipend for everyone, not just scholarship players. There has to be a limit on how many players all schools should abide by. Determine the national budget and every school must contribute.