The MCU missed the chance of giving us a WBH, now it wouldn't make sense at all. WBH is one of the most powerful and angrier versions of Hulk due to what happened to him, I don't see any way the MCU can replicate his anger without the original story. It'll just look forced and pretty bad imo.
I'd say it's like 60/40 in favor of things like user generated content, but it has more to do with time than anything else. Due to things like work and chores, I just don't have time during the day for movies/TV. But for a few hours in the evening, I tend to watch more movies/TV, which I prefer.
This is one of those where I'm voting the honest truth, even though I'd prefer it be the other (while still making time for Geekvolution, of course). I think it's because of how casually I can spend hours on YouTube, as opposed to being intentional about catching up on content I intend to consume.