Which is your favored experiment?
The Touch of Satan
The Touch of Satan
The walnut farming vs. pecan farming bit is one of my all-time favorite Satellite Of Love moments.
Reply ReplyBoth are excellent but Touch of Satan is so delightfully weird and the riffs are stellar
Reply ReplyI'm kinda hungry, but I can't go back to the store after that "zaa" incident...
Reply ReplyThis sooong is in.... the public domain.... that’s whyyyy we used it twice....
Reply ReplyI voted for "The touch of Satan". For the "This is where the fish live." bit.
Reply ReplyUgh, it's just so .....poorly written & bizarre. "This is where the fish lives."...That's the highlight....and their weird on-screen chemistry....Jodie seems like a eunuch, and...yeah, it's terrible.
Reply Reply"Tormented" is a bit of an ordeal to get through. "Touch of Satan" is weird and pretentious in that lame early '70s art-house way. Plus, the episode has the one and only Beez as Steffi.
Reply ReplyI spent the whole movie laughing about the dishsoap joke in the first 5 seconds
Reply ReplyI love all the awkward and unusually long pauses in the movie dialogue. It's just such a bad movie, but the episode is hilarious to watch!!
Reply Reply"this torment can't end forever" "you know that it can!" -- an apt description of 2020
Reply ReplyWhile not my favorite, the line “Also, ‘go packers’ but mostly ‘burn the witch’.” is my default response to any and all questions about my feelings on football.
Reply ReplyTormented is so icky. What else do you do with a blackmailer or two? Whereas, the Touch of Satan is kinda wholesome. OK, there's the Devil and all that, but what else do you do with a lynch mob?
Reply ReplyIf I have to hear “Tom Stewart Killed Me!” one more time, I may jump from an abandoned lighthouse.
Reply ReplyThe sweet, soulful sounds of, "Come sit with me, and satan, too. He's your friend and mine."
Reply ReplyOne of my all-time favorite episodes!! Literally have it memorized I watched it so often :-)
Reply ReplyBecause it's where the fish lives. There, in the stream by the walnut ranch. You'd have to be a chromosidal maniac not to like this movie.
Reply ReplyBoth movies have their own standings. But..this one has way better riffs!!!!
Reply ReplyTeam Mike, Bill and Kevin! And because you can sight see on your own time, Beelzebub!
Reply ReplyOne of my top favs that makes me laugh the most! "Hey! Beelzebub! Kali! And Lucifer!" XD
Reply ReplyToday I didn't have a clear preference, so sorry Tormented fans, I went with the crowd on this one.
Reply ReplyBoth episodes are good, but Touch of Satan looks ridiculous now that the Satanic Panic is thankfully long over, while Tormented is actually kind of effective, one of Bert Gordon's better efforts.
Reply Reply
Why do I like it? Jazz, baby. Hot, steamy, non-corporeal, paranormal jazz. Why would you want Beelzebub's caress when you can get cheeky with a detached woman whose name is a roman numeral. And jazz!
ReplyThis one was really tough. I love both episodes. But, Tormented never fails to crack me up. "Sessions presents!"
Replythis is the toughest one yet.
ReplyIt's actually a fun ghost story with some engaging characters.
ReplyNot today Satan
ReplyCan’t beat a good yeet off a lighthouse!! “Vi ask Vi?!?” 😂
ReplyA less played option touch of Satan is pretty slow paced
ReplyA battle of who was more obnoxious, the pesky little girl or the ghost of Vi.
ReplyPretty much sums up 2020
ReplyOne of the best films every Riffed
ReplyRichard Carlson and Bert I. Gordon ... and Joel and the bots 'happy thoughts' song ...
ReplyIt's the only episode that has a jazz magician.
ReplyTom Stewart killed me! Tom Stewart killed me!
ReplyWhat no croutons?!?! Vi Mason:)
ReplyTormented is one of my all-time favorites!
ReplyIt happens at the beach, and it is a fun little ghost story.
ReplyI just liked "Tormented" better than "Touch Of Satan"
ReplyBecause I'm a New York method actor!
ReplyTom Stewart killed me!!
ReplySo funny... one of my all-time favorite MST3K movies!
ReplyThat beatnik guy really grinds my gears.
ReplyThe jokes are funny, but there's close to a decent movie hiding in this one.
ReplyPut her DOWN, Jerry Lee!
ReplyThis is a fun episode! Touch of Satan is good too but I think it's had more exposure than Tormented.
Reply"She's wearing today's paper."
ReplyThis is such a great episode and it never gets enough love. <3
ReplyI'm cancelling out my daughter's vote. Love you anyway. <3
ReplyI voted for this because it is not "The Touch of Satan"
ReplyI just wanna see it!
ReplySlightly more coherent story
ReplyThis is one of the most watchable movies that’s being riffed, plus the explosion during the end credits cracks me up, every time. But, it was difficult to have to pick one as both deserve to advance.
ReplyThis was a tough one for the exact opposite reason of the first day's vote, as I'm not a tremendous fan of either episode. However, I just rewatched Tormented recently and laughed a lot, so I pick it.
ReplyI almost saw this with my great grandmother. Almost. As soon as the footprints appeared in the sand, I said “I hear my mom calling,” and ran away. I suspect I’ll feel safer watching it with Joel.
ReplyLove this one 😀
ReplyTom Stewart killed me!
ReplyYou just can't beat floating heads and walking hands and seaweed. And Sandy! Why did you have to see it, Sandy? Wonder what kind of twisted movie she grew up to write.