Commented "It goes against our 2nd amendment rights. And it is a very small portion of legal gun owners use it on others. Most or all that use it on others are because of mental illness, which is where more help is needed rather than taking away people's rights. "
Commented "It is shameful that Kotec broke her promise on the redistricting plans. But this is what you will get if she gets elected Governor next time. Dishonesty!!!"
Commented "Depending on what they are? In this case for guns yes because the State is going against the Constitution for our 2nd amendment right.. "SHALL NOT INFRINGE" SAYS IT ALL!!! "
Commented "ANYONE that require ANYONE to have vaccines need to be held responsible if something happens. There could be several law suits that come from it. "
Commented "Being buried is the same for the most part but very very expensive. Being cremated is much more inexpensive. It really depends if organic composting would be affordable."