Do you think all schools should require students to get vaccinated against COVID-19?
Yes, it should be a requirement.
No, parents and students should decide!

Children have a 98 % chance of surviving covid so why would you give them a vaccine with potential side effects
Reply ReplyIt should be up to each parent/student. Children are not at risk for Covid, so why inject them with a non FDA approved vaccine unnecessarily? That is not in THEIR best interest. This vaccine has not been out long enough to possibly know any long term effects.
Reply ReplyThis is almost as bad as forced abortion. I chose to get vaccinated, but believe people should be able to make their own decision.
Reply ReplyANYONE that require ANYONE to have vaccines need to be held responsible if something happens. There could be several law suits that come from it.
Reply ReplyIt's not about freedom of expression it's about societal responsibility, We would still have smallpox, typhoid fever, measles to mention with the attitudes some people have.
I am assuming Deschutes County has a population of a quarter million and only 74 people have died in over a year. Requiring vaccinations is putting millions into the pockets of millionaires. I am sure they are already working on the next virus.
Reply ReplyNo, it's illegal to force an experimental drug on people for any reason... and the schools that require this are asking for some major lawsuits!!
Reply ReplyIt's not experimental. The vaccine is a tweak in an already established SARS vaccine. It took weeks. The reason it took a year was for human testing for dosage, efficacy rate etc. It's not an experimental drug, it's a new one.
Schools have always had mandatory vaccinations
ReplyUnless they have a TRULY medical reason for not getting vaccinated, they should. More and more young people (teens) are being hospitalized with Covid, So yes they should be vaccinated. Other (early childhood) vaccines are required! Why not for another disease??
ReplyHow many cases of polio do we hear about these days? Don't want your kids vaxxed? Home school.
ReplyVaccinations use to readily accepted until social media disinformation turned some brains to mush. COVID will probably continue due to the utter ignorance of some people.