Would you pay higher food/gas prices to cut CO2 emissions in OR?
this is a round about way to raise money.there is no alternative from carbon based fuels.. the infrastructure for electricity will not handle all the power needed.
Reply ReplyBecause this state is already taxing everyone to the extent that no one can afford to live here.
Reply ReplyEvery night I turn on the news to see the state proposing another way to tax, or raise the taxes paid by the citizens. At what point does paying taxes become theft by government decree?
Reply ReplyWhen the Pot growers keep pumping CO2 into their plants to grow them bigger and faster don't expect me to pay high prices so they can have their munchies.
Reply ReplyCarbon emissions is not the problem in our environment and no amount of this foolishness will make any difference.
Reply ReplyIt wouldn't make a difference in the global picture, just more $ out of my pocket
Reply ReplyWhen is enough going to be enough? Taxes and fees are out of control already.
Reply ReplyOregon is already one of the most "green" states in the U.S. and we pay for it.
Reply ReplyIt's just going to cause more homeless because so many are struggling now. I pay enough tax now .it's just another way to go thru the "backdoor"of sales tax!!!!
Reply ReplyNo, it's just another tax with no applied results. Meant to go to the Congress coffers for mismanagement.
Reply ReplyHow exactly is that going to cut CO2 emissions? People still need to eat and go to work. Do we not remember 2008 when gas was $5 a gallon and a recession hit?
Reply ReplyThis is a joke right? How stupid do you think we are? Do you forget that tree's breathe co2, and expel oxygen, or did common core remove that truth from its curriculum too?
Reply ReplyNo. Imposing expensive policies on the basis of a currently fashion theory that a few decades hence will seem as silly as is now the case with eugenics, bleeding etc., is absurd.
Reply ReplyThis makes the social justice warriors and those thinking they are saving the world feel warm and fuzzy. Just another tax. Smoke and mirrors from the left.
Reply ReplyIt won't make one bit of difference now for us to be paying higher prices, for what>?
Reply ReplyPenalize the companies, not consumers. Hold them accountable for their practices, and get them to change how they operate.
Reply ReplyOregon taxpayers are in trouble. Brown and liberal legislators are looking to raise taxes over 2 Billion dollars, increase big government, and add bad business regulations.
Reply ReplySpot on....you have their number. Can no one else see how they try to raise taxes without us knowing???
I have asthma now and never did before. I'd like to see action now. Why wait to save future generations.
ReplyBecause global warming (polarizing of weather patterns) is real.
ReplyPay a little now or a "lot" later. Plus it has to get started now to have a better chance ofhelping decrease global warming.