Should driver licenses be offered to non-citizens in the U.S.?
Yes, if they pass.
No, citizens only.
Driving is a privilage granted to law abiding citizens. It is not a right everyone is entitled to. In addition, citizens pay taxes for maintaining roads.
Reply ReplyIt is rediculous that a non citizen should be given any rights. Rights are for citizens who have done the work & deserve them.
Reply ReplyWe voted this down in 2013 by a large margin. The legislature must think we're stupid, to keep bringing this up. The only reason they want it, is because it makes it easier for them to vote illegal
Reply ReplyLegal Citizens only. Deport illegals now. Tired of my tax dollars gone to the illegals
Reply ReplyWe have laws for protection of our citizens! Illegals are NOT citizens! Come here legally, then enjoy our freedoms! Not reward them! 😡😡
Reply ReplyThey were given these to undermine the voting process. Foreign interference in American elections.
Reply ReplyNone citizens without a GREEN CARD, NO; if they have one they are permanent residents & should get driver license. Many illegals don't carry insurance, and in an accident the victims, us, suffer
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The voters said NO by 2 to 1. The Democrats are subverting the will of the people just like a dictatorship.
Reply ReplyIllegals with drivers licenses are then qualified to vote in Oregon. This is unacceptable.
Reply ReplyFirst line in the drivers handbook says that driving is a privilege not a right and at anytime that privilege can be revoked if you fail to follow the laws of the road. Illegals can take the bus!
Reply ReplyA legal driver's license is a HUGE privilege only US citizens should be entitled too, period.
Reply ReplyWhy do we have to violate the will of the peoples vote with these unlawful invadess? How much more do we have to tolerate from the far lleft. PERS is eating funds fos schools and roads not licenses
Reply Replythey are not here legally so they should not get anything that legal citizens get.
Reply ReplyIf they are here illegally then no they shouldnt be given a license. That's just a way to enable them to come here more than they already are. Absolutely NO
Reply ReplyIf the individual is illegally in this country they should not have a valid license. They should not be here or driving here. Not paying taxes = no privileges = illegal
Reply ReplyIllegal immigrants should not be able to get a license in our country if they're not even legally supposed to be here! This shouldn't even be a question...
Reply ReplyNo, They have already broken the law! Our state registers every person over the age of 18 to vote up on being issued a driver's license and this could lead to a gateway of illegal voting!
Reply ReplyLegal non-citizens, and there are many, should be able to get a license. Illegal immigrants should not. There is a big difference.
Yes they need to pass are driving test before driving, but get a work permit before coming & then they will be here legally. Breaking the law is breaking the law. Should be no confusion when time to t
Reply ReplyNo! Why we we allow illegals a drivers license, they aren't even supposed to be on our country! Very stupid!!!
Reply ReplyOH HELL NO! They're already draining us dry on benefits and whatever they can take.
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Agree with previous comment. Just because people are "non-citizens," doesn't mean they are illegals. They may be here on a work visa and should be able to legally drive.
ReplyNon-citizens does not mean those that entered illegally. People here on legal work visas should be able to get a license. Not those who are her by sneaking across the border.
ReplyOnly racists have been disagreeing with this side so far... p.s there are hundreds of different languages in this world... maybe you should start learning spanish like mexicans have learned english...
ReplyIf they can prove that they understand the rules and regulations, they can get a 30 day permit, and will need to be renewed after that time.