Do you support the plan for a robot on patrol in Bend's Centennial Parking Garage?
Waste of money! Hire a security company! By the time the robot notifies the police on the other side of town, the bad guys will out of time!
Reply ReplyWhy have boring old security cameras, when you can pay way more for 1 security camera that goes vroom vroom?
Reply ReplyWaste of money - if this is approved the inmates have definitely taken over the asylum.
Reply ReplyYou really think 3 mph robot will deter any vandalism, sounds more like a toy to me bring out the big guns then lets talk !Stop right now or ,,,ill yell stop again. hahahahah
Reply ReplyShocking that Toby has yet to be fired. The walk up kiosks that are now disabled-how much $ was wasted on this short-lived idea? The signage is still no where near succinct. Every misstep of the way, it has been overly complicated, poorly executed, & expensive. The robot is another example.
Reply ReplyWhy not video cameras and Human Beings. Sounds like a huge waste of money. The robot is nothing more than high tech virtue signaling that will accomplish nothing.
Reply Reply
YES Pleeze! My daughter has one in her office building in downtown Denver in a sketchy area and it's been like an invaluable watchdog. If you've lived downtown, you'd know that robberies and vandalism happen around 3 a.m. We HAD a security company but we NEED 'round the clock presence.