Do you support students skipping school to rally for a cause?
Absolutely not!! They must be in school to learn. Politics should be outside of school hours. Oregon already has a graduation, test score problem. Keep politics out of the schools. So sick of politics
Reply ReplyStudents need to be in school! If they want to make this earth better study hard get a great education and come up with solutions that will fix the problems. Protesting does not fix problems!!!
Reply ReplyTheir “job” is to attend scho and become informed. They can strike after scho hours.
Reply ReplyInstead of standing on a street corner wasting taxpayers money that is paid for kids to be in school how about actually doing something like volunteering with Forrest service and replant the Forrest
Reply ReplyNot sure what happened to learning, and I suppose they don’t have to make up the day lost.
Reply Replythey were coached by liberal teachers, who should teach them about the fossil record and the fact the climate is constantly changing. could have done this during spring break.
Reply ReplyAllowing your kids to skip school for something they have ZERO control over is another far left insanity.
Reply ReplyIf someone skipped work at my business to do something like this whether I agreed with there stance or not they would be fired. Do the Crime Do the Time
Reply ReplyI just graduated two years ago and am definitely for environment protection, but time and place.
Reply ReplyBecause they totally do not know all the answers and they don't get taught enough in school without them leaving school to cause chaos.
Reply Reply
As long as it's not once per week.
ReplyIf they did it on a Saturday nobody would even know about it or care, politics is a topic that will hugely affect them and their future!
ReplyPolitics is life and death, if they are educated enough in the issues facing the world that they want to protest, they should be allowed to.
ReplySince the parents won't do it the children must.
ReplyAdults are ignoring the science. relying only on what's here now. and how changing their carbon footprint would affect their lifestyle
ReplyWhat better way is there for students to become a part of the process whereby the public lets their representatives know what is important to them?
ReplyOnly if they are willing to accept the consequences of skipping school (missed lessons, homework...)
ReplyBe aware, be involved! These students are our future and have every right to protest when they see an issue that needs attention!