Do you support or oppose the Gun Storage Bill (HB 2510)?
I support this bill!
No, I'm against it!
How about making killing people such a serious offence that killers will think before they start shooting! Instead of 10-30 years in prison and supported by tax payers. How about a life for a life! Our laws on criminals are way too light and takes way too long for final decisions.
Reply ReplyThe sponsor of this bill needs to provide evidence that such a drastic measure will effectively reduce theft and crimes with STOLEN firearms. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for stopping gun violence. Above all the State needs to hold criminals accountable for their actions.
Reply ReplyWill not help the gun violence and possibly make criminals out of honest law abiding citizens.
Reply ReplyHow is it going to protect you in your home an in invasion, if it is locked up, and you are asleep in the night? You would not have time to find the key or unlock it from a locked box. if there were criminals breaking into your home. You need to grab it quickly. for protection.
Reply ReplyI have owned guns since I was 12 years old I am 90 now, this law will only effect law abiding citizens, If I have a home invasion why should I not have ready access to my means of protection, Democrats are destroying Oregon This law has nothing to do with saving lives, it is another power play.
Reply Replyrules like this only hurt the good guys does nothing to stop the bad guys. This is not a gun problem but a people problem. simply put guns can not kill someone period. it is a person that kills whether it is done with a gun knife hammer etc. none can do harm with out a person using it!!
Reply ReplyFor those of you that think there should be a law to keep legislators from walking out, just look at the vote count on this question. Laws created aren't necessarily the will of the people, they know it, which is why they won't allow the issue to go to a vote. Walkouts can stop bad laws.
Reply ReplyThere are plenty of gun laws on the books now. How are you supposed to protect yourself if your protection is locked up?
Reply ReplyI am vehemently against it! It is backward thinking! We need more honest citizens with guns, concealed carry, their would be less gun violence, people around them would be safer! A locked gun is useless in an emergency! The problem is not guns, people kill people. More people are killed by knives!
Reply ReplySmart gun owners already lock up their fire arms, ammunition, etc. This bill does nothing to reduce gun violence; it just passes the burden of gun safety 100% to individuals. The government isn't really interested in coming up with intelligent regulations (like 100% background checks).
Reply ReplyWe have 100% background checks. Even between private sellers which only depends on the honesty of the purchaser and seller. Again only the law abiding will follow the law. Even Joe Biden's son lied on a background check to purchase a gun which was later disposed of illegally.
ReplyVery minimum we should be doing. What's not to like? Even the most ardent gun rights supporters teach and follow gun safety. That's all this is--a prompt for safety. If there can be no middle ground on a law like this, then we are doomed as a civil society.