Who is the better Batman love interest?
Selina Kyle
Andrea Beaumont
Not that I haven't been dazzled by catwoman especially since Tom kings turn on that relationship but Andrea not only was in the best batman movie but I'd the only woman who could have gotten Bruce to not be batman,there's no topping that
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Andrew Cozzini
I like certain versions of Selina fine, but I always find it suspect that Batman could love a known criminal, disregarding her crimes because they seem "harmless." With Andrea, I buy it because he met/loved Andrea prior to her being a murderer and before he was Batman, making objectivity difficult.
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I mean Andrea is obviously a great character in Mask of the Phantasm, but Selina just has the benefit of being around longer (and thus in more stories) on her side. As unpopular as it was, I felt like Tom King’s run enriched the dynamic to an extent that even further cements it for me.