Do awards shows on TV matter to you?
Lrac Snave
Haven't watched any of them in decades. Who wants to see some very rich celebrities pat each other on the back and tell us all their political views?
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The award shows once mattered. Since they have become so much more than a few once or twice a year but rather at least a 100, all with varying degrees of actual criteria beyond marketing campaigns and now the over-compensating “inclusive,” nature of certain categories going out of their way
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Jethro Born
The only awards shows that I ever watch are the CMAs in Nashville. The rest, which originate in California, aren't worth the powder to blow them up.
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Tina Bouthillier
I used to at least over a decade or 2 ago but it is so political now, that I really don't care any more
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I enjoy watching celebrities and award shows!
ReplyI vote for my favorite actors and awards also give me an idea of what I want to watch. Other than that winners don't matter to me.