Would you support vaccinated sections in businesses, venues and churches?
Yes, i support this idea!
No, I'm against it!
Sounds an awful lot like back in the day when colored folks had to be in their own area and white folks were in a different area, it's discrimination whatever way you spin it
Reply Replyit makes me sick how you would even compare the two. typical white people, let me guess, you also support trump? - a white person
How many lynchings of the non-vaxxed so far? The Mainstream Media is obviously covering them up judging by the absence of any reports on these lynchings. Grievance Culture Matters !
I am against the government telling citizens what they can and cannot do with their own bodies Pro-Freedom is Pro-Choice. I am fully vaccinated by my own choice. I get flu vaccines every year and have had more kinds than I can remember. As for masks, I do whatever the business owner asks.
Reply ReplyThe government shouldn't be policing my medical health decisions, get out of private business. The big box stores and grocery chains operate in an open atmosphere, too big to be bullied.
Reply ReplyI agree with Phoenix Knight. Its going to make those that can't take the vaccine a target. Right now no one really knows who is and isnt. This is beginning to prove more and more that its a hoax. If a person is vaccinated they have nothing to worry about when it comes to those that are not.
Reply ReplyNo it's segregation and we are not living in those days! It is not us against them. Stop dividing people based on a vaccine!!! We are not selfish or evil if we don't agree on getting a shot. It is a personal choice.
Reply ReplyWhat about those that have had COVID and have NATURAL IMMUNITY? They DON'T NEED A VACCINE! They won't have a card. ISN'T THIS DISCRIMINATION???
Reply ReplyIf the Government and it's sheep like followers are this FORCEFUL over a Vaccine, can you imagine if Government Healthcare was the ONLY option? We would be Forced to receive or be denied Healthcare based on thier feelings on how we should or shouldn't be treated?
Absolutely not . Just one more attempt to separate people and that is precisely what we don't need. Besides, if you have been vaccinated what are you afraid of that you must be segregated.
Reply ReplyYes. They will be able to live normal lives. The non vaccinated will be treated as sub-human. .
4 million people in oregon, oha site yesterday over 3.7m vacinated thats over 70%. Safety protocol including mask which she was asked about and she said yes, suppose to be lifted. Instead she has the audacity to offer this to counties.
For safety, yes.
ReplyThis is a global pandemic everyone needs to be vaccinated. If we are ever going to get control over coronavirus
ReplyAbsolutely! I also support Vaccine Passports. Anti-vaxxers should not have the right to continue to put others at risk. Their sections should have all the required protocols, while those who can prove they have been vaccinated should have more freedom from masks and social distancing.