Would you support making daylight saving time permanent?
Yes, of course!
No, keep it as it is
It’s a generally a good thing to adjust our schedules to match the changing solar day, so that we’re active during daylight hours.
It’s a generally a good thing to adjust our schedules to match the changing solar day, so that we’re active during daylight hours.
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Gramma Jean
Actually, the question is should we keep STANDARD TIME permanent... I think "natural earth time" is what we need to get back to.
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Kathy Deloach
Seriously ? They want to be the one spot on the globe that differs from the world?
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Brandy Barr
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Judy Ostrom-Dixon
Hard to answer, you should just ask do you prefer DST or Standard time, the questions make no sense. However my answer, we should stay on Standard Time year round and stop messin with crap!
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Jean Bouche
We are no longer an agrarian society and don’t need extra daylight hours to harvest the fields. Let’s just go back permanently to standard time and leave our clocks alone. It is too much of a hassle.
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I'd rather have an extra hour of light in the evening than morning.
ReplyLonger evenings are more useful than early mornings. Also, it’s been scientifically proven that switching the clocks on your population increases work injury, vehicle accidents, and heart attaks
ReplyThe reasons it was created is redundant now. Let's not change clocks anymore.
ReplySuicide rates go up. S..A..D. Syndrome goes up. Depression goes up. Stop messing with mother nature !
ReplyI hate the time change it really makes me tired all the time. No one I know likes the time change so just leave it how it is now!
ReplyYes, yes, yes. So dated. Majority of us are not farmers.
ReplyPoorly worded question. From the responses, many misunderstood the question. I can live with either DLS or Standard time, just pick one and leave it.
ReplyIt really effect my helth my heart getting irregular bits and I’m getting sick. Get rid of it pleeeease
ReplyI would prefer it stay Standard time all year. The change affect my body chemistry for weeks after the change!
ReplyHealth and safety are major concerns. Darkness about 5 pm in Dec. is dangerous. Additionally, the later hour in the morning of additional daylight is beneficial to commuting and mental outlook.
ReplyI would be for leaving DST permanent but I think it would be less of a hassle to go opt into standard time. It's written into law that we have that option. We don't need a useless act of congress
ReplyAbsolutely make DST permanent!! More productive daylight hours. I note that folks are responding to this survey in the wrong columes. Pay attn to what you are voting for. Most comments make no sense.
ReplyTired of the change.
ReplyBefore DST became law it was rejected by the people three times. It was the legislature tat made it law. Time to do the will of the people.
ReplyWe could just put our clocks back the one minute or whatever it is that changing the time helps with. I like longer days. It just doesn't make sense to change our time by an hour.
ReplyBecause it is inconvenient and serves no necessary purpose