Should there be a ban on assault rifles?
Yes, we should ban them!
No, we shouldn't ban them!
The US is 3rd in murders worldwide. If you remove Chicago, Detroit, Wa DC, St Louis and New Orleans...ALL democrat run with STRICT gun laws, we become 189th out of 193 countries in the world. Curious too, why do dems never want armed guards in schools??
Reply ReplyIt's not a fire arm issue it's a mental health issue that needs to be addressed.
Reply Reply1st of all, an ignorant titled thread. These are not "assault rifles", these are semi-auto sporting rifles. 2nd, after the BLM/Floyd riots, and Australian COVID lockdowns, the need for full 2nd Amendment protection has never been so important.
Reply ReplyDeaths by all rifles are a tiny % of firearm-related deaths in this country, and mass shootings account for .5% of homicides. I'm opposed to stripping away gun ownership rights of law-abiding citizens, while turning a blind eye to the thousands who die in Democrat-run cities from their policies.
Reply ReplyWell first of all I'm a responsible gun owner and I own all kinds of weapons but I make sure that they stay home at night and they don't go out killing without some idiot behind it so until you people figure out what the problem is about mental then let's quit talking about guns
Reply ReplyTexting and driving killed as many people in TN last two years as DUIs. The “ban” logic should ban cars, cell phones, alcohol, etc.
Reply ReplyAmericans have had guns in their homes for two (or more) centuries. Mass murder has only become an issue since the invention of the internet, video games, and social media. There is no gun problem - there is a people problem - invest in mental health and encouraging two-parent households!
Reply Reply"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." John F. Kennedy
Reply ReplyWe need them so when we get attacked what will we use a friggen sling shot? Common sense SHOULD TELL YOU that only the bad guys will have them! And when that bad guy comes to your home you can use your spoon on them.
Reply Reply
I just do not see the need to own a assault rifle. I’m all for self defense and hunting but those automatic weapons are for military use. Imo.
ReplyThere is absolutely no reason for assault rifles to be as readily available as they are. I support our rights as a gun owner myself, but this type of weapon is simply unnecessary. In light of the violence in our country, they should only be accessible in a controlled environment.
ReplyCertain types of guns have no purpose other than the mass killing of other human beings. You don't need an assault rifle to kill deer or protect your property. I don't think all guns should be banned as they can be used for hunting or protecting your property. But we do need more mental healthcare
ReplyArmed forces should be the only ones allowed to have assault rifles. They are for one thing only: to kill humans. Hunters don't use them, and they are not needed for self protection unless you are in the middle of a war where there are several people that want to take your life.
ReplyWhy should anyone besides law enforcement need to own or have them? They can not be used for hunting purposes or any thing else. Why use them to kill children and anyone for that matter!! What has this world came too?
ReplyAssault Rifles are already banned . . . as they should be! Or at least they should require special (stamp) permits at federal and state levels, as it already is. Now if you're asking if semi-auto sporting rifles should be banned, the answer is NO!
ReplyWhy do you need an assault rifle? If you can't hit an intruder or a deer in one shot, you'd better give it up. Not all killings can be blamed on mental health, either.
ReplyGuns don't kill people? By that logic, neither do nuclear weapons. Maybe one will randomly fall from the sky in the general vicinity of Congress so the new congress might FINALLY do something
ReplyTired of all the unnecessary killings.
ReplyIts just something that needs to be done.
ReplyEnough is enough
Replyno reason to have one unless you're Military or police...
ReplyAbsolutely! No one needs them but military for combat. It's NOT about the 2nd Amendment, tho the Republicans have hijacked that refrain. Kids and other innocents will be killed nearly daily, as long as Congress refuses to pass reasonable gun laws.
ReplyNo one needs a weapon of war. You aren't John Rambo. You aren't gonna successfully fight off the American Military. You're just gonna end up shooting your kid or your dog.
ReplyThere is no purpose for semi automatic & fully automatic weaponry in the hands of non military personnel..
ReplyTell me 1 good reason anyone here needs an assault rifle? Tell me.
Replyall semi-auto magazine fed rifles should be made illegal, along with the magazines. Enough is enough