Should the republican senators be barred from re-election?
They did the right thing, keeping the left from passing more bad legislature! I mean look what they have done, defunding police, increased crime rates significantly, especially in Portland, decriminalizing hard drugs, they turned Portland into a a crime ridden, drug ridden slime pit. Vote Republican
Reply ReplyMeasure 113 was clearly an effort by the majority to disenfranchise the minority. This needs to get before the US Supreme Court as quickly as possible. Clearly unconstitutional. Where can I donate to the GOP to fight this?????
Reply Reply
CB ... The 14th Amendment for voters rights. Not allowing voters to vote for who they want could be unconstitutional. We shall see :) Oh, Childishly insulting individual's for their opinions is a sign of weakness in ones argument, just saying :)
Lol, what's unconstitutional about it? Gabe, you are regurgitating the BS you hear on Fox News. You don't actually know what you're taking about. I hope it does go to the supreme court so when it's determined to be constitutional, other states follow course. The GOP is a dying, outdated breed.
They were hired by the voters to do a job and they failed. Their obligation is to represent everyplace in their district and they demonstrated nothing but contempt for that obligation and oath.
ReplyThey were hired by the voters to do a job and they failed. Their obligation is to represent everyplace in their district and they demonstrated nothing but contempt for that obligation and oath.
ReplyFoolish stunts, idiots.
ReplyOregonians voted on this matter and these reps knew the consequences.
ReplyI'm pretty sure the rest of us would be terminated for 10 unexcused absences... your actions were absolutely cowardly... how about doing the job we're paying you to do...
ReplyOur vote should count for something
ReplyBecause most of us voted for the bill to be passed for that reason. They could have pass way more bills that would have benefited all of us.
ReplyBecause most of us voted for the bill to be passed for that reason. They could have pass way more bills that would have benefited all of us.
ReplyThe rules are for you too, republitardicans
Replythey went in knowing that it was a law and willfully did not go to work, just to slow the process they were hired to perform.