Should OR decriminalize drug possession & hike treatment funding?
I would be Stupid to decriminalize Drugs! We need stiffer sentencing. Quite letting them off easy. We should bring back prison work crews like the chain gangs of old. They would think twice about it!
Reply ReplyThe majority of crime investigated by law enforcement is a result of drug use, such as assaults, theft, burglary, etc. In addition, there is already drug treatment available to those who truly want it
Reply ReplyThere should be more emphasis on treatment, but it should still be a crime. Serve your time in jail then go to rehab.
Reply ReplyDecriminalization would be like refusing to give vaccines in an epidemic and only treating the ill. The health system would be overwhelmed. And that is where we are with drug addiction.
Reply ReplyHell no!!! That's like telling them it's ok to do drugs. This state is going to shit if this is even up for debate!
Reply ReplyDecriminalizing just increases drug use. Look at the mess in California!
Reply Reply
Decriminalization does not mean legal. If this happens there will still be consequences for worse offenses but also more treatment opportunities expanding the opportunity for successful sobriety.
ReplyOnly if a treatment bed is available anytime one calls for one I am all for it!
ReplyIf you look at other countries that have done this, like Portugal, you’ll see that it has lowered overall drug use, deaths and addiction. It WORKS!!
ReplyIt is stupid to continue to fight a loosing battle.
ReplyIts time we stop wasting tax payer dollars on a failed 'drug war.' Treatment for addiction is better than jailing them.
ReplyJust say no has not worked. Portugal has legalized all drugs and the crime rate in the country has dropped dramatically. They have used the money they have saved for treatment programs.
ReplyAs a veteran federal law enforcement officer for 22 years, I can tell you that incarceration for mere drug 'possession' (not dealing) is way harsh & doesn't work. Definitely increase trtmt funding.