If you could pump your own gas, would you?
I appreciate the service, especially not having to stand outside in the cold.
Reply ReplyWhy take away more jobs? If you don't have a few minutes to spare waiting for an attendant, maybe you should organize your time better.
Reply ReplyWow, you should change your name to Karen. Not everyone wants to waste their time waiting for attendants. Some of us have better things to do with our time.
They have repeatedly said they cannot get help. And if you want to stay in your car you can but quit imposing your beliefs on everyone.
I really enjoy the ease of not having to pump the gas myself. Also I think it's good to provide jobs for people who can work at the gas stations.
Reply ReplyI pumped my own gas for years, so I really appreciate being able to stay in my car especially during winter months. It provides jobs for those who might not otherwise get one. I don't mind having options, but don't think it's necessary for the decision to be made for me.
Reply ReplyI have and I can but with a bunch of kids it's nice to be served. I appreciate my gas attendant.
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I'm perfectly capable of pumping my own gas but the bottom line, no excuses, is I just don't want to.
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More efficient, because of staffing issues.
ReplyStations cannot get help and I prefer to pump my owm. I am tired of liberals telling everyone how to live.
ReplyI already do. Self serve is legal in rural areas. Madras has self serve. Most gas stations along I84 east of The Dalles has self serve. Apparently it's the city folk that aren't trusted to pump their own gas because folks who live in rural areas have been permitted to pump their own gas for years.
ReplyIt's about time Oregon joined the rest of the US allowing people to pump their own gas and diesel!
Replywhy would you not? oh you live in that one state
ReplyI'm from the rest of the country. I cannot always contain my annoyance. I never asked, wanted or needed a pit crew. I'm from. Alaska. I got it covered.
ReplyGood compromise. Pump your own or have an attendant
ReplyAbsolutely. I already do in Jefferson and Crook Counties. Time is money and the quicker I can get back on the road, the better.