Have you or do you plan to participate in a rally or march?
Yes I have!
No, I haven't.
No, and I never will. They are not the way to get anything done in the right way.
Reply ReplyWhy in the world would I want to do that.I wish this stuff would stay out of central oregon. Antifa is hijacking the legitimate message here
Reply ReplyI don't need to participate in a rally/protest to let others know how i feel. The only people I care about to know how I feel is my family.
Reply ReplyParticipating in a rally during a pandemic is simply foolish. Supporting your cause this way will be fruitless if you die in the process. Why some people lack common sense is beyond me.
Reply ReplyThey can turn dangerous quickly and I don't want to be a statistic. There are other ways to show your support.
Reply ReplyNobody even knew about the history on Pilot Butte untill you saw the need to report it and make it a big deal. It was almost 100 years ago, for crying out loud. That kind of reporting does not help.
Reply Reply
Only the conservative ones.