Do you think you'll be comfortable not wearing a mask in April?
I won't wear a mask!
I will probably still wear a mask.
Well, you would have to lock yourself in your house and never come out, as Omicron gets right through your mask, even if surrounded by morons who have had 5 boosters and triple masked
Covid will never come to an end until everyone gets their shots. There are just so many people that refuse to do that, that I think it will always be a problem. Some people should start thinking about the safety of others, not just what they think about themselves.
Reply ReplyNewsflash, it will never end. The shots are not stopping it, if you have not been following the news.
At my sister's work place 5 people got vaccinated and two did not (medical reasons. Allergic to the ingredients). As of now, the vaccinated people have had COVID twice and the two that were not vaccinated have not gotten sick yet. One of them being my sister. Interesting.
I know 4 unvaccinated people that acquired COVID from vaccinated people. 123,740 fully vaccinated people in Oregon have contracted COVID and 783 fully vaccinated people have died. Don't blame people that didn't get vaccinated. I am sorry you are so frightened.

will continue to wear one in indoor public spaces until our hospitalization rate goes way down... immunocompromised...
Reply ReplyI dont have a problem with people wearing masks. Like Fauci said back in 2020....if it makes you feel comfortable by all means do it. I will not diss people that still want to wear a mask. Thats their business. As for me I will be happy to be following my Doctor's orders and go back to NOT wearing.
Masking and vaccinating should have been voluntary the whole time.
ReplyShould be happening now- vs waiting till 3/31.
ReplyI don't wear one now, so yes, I'll be comfortable not wearing one in April.
ReplyOnly a complete neurotic, unscientific fool would have a problem going maskless... unless you are immune-compromised. Read the science... knowledge is your friend. Omicron is truly nothing more than the flu... it sets in your nose/throat, not your lungs.
ReplyI'm comfortable now not wearing one, why would I not be comfortable then?
Replymasks should have never ever been mandated. We have reputable large studies showing "asymptomatic spread" is false and we have countless studies showing masks don't work and never did. In every major city if you look at the case/death graph they all go up dramatically AFTER mask mandates
ReplyI don't wear a mask now. If a place tries to enforce it I don't go in there. It's discrimination and unscientific. 99% of places I go anymore don't enforce, but every once in awhile there will be one place that does, looking at you goodwill (they chase you down).
ReplyMost masks don’t work!
ReplyHaven't worn one in a year why would I start now
ReplyI have been vaxed and boosted - even tho the efficacy of boosters reportedly wains after 4 mos - but since the virus is now endemic, we can't live lives forever masked. I will feel comfortable going into a restaurant sans mask. Already have done so... doing fine so far.
ReplyBecause it’s BS
ReplyAs per my Doctors orders I was not supposed to be wearing a mask period! So I will actually be comfortable again. But Im sure this wont last. Just like all the other times she lifted the mask mandate. She's just toying with us,
ReplyI'll be pretty comfortable without a mask since I'm current on the shots. That's assuming we don't get a spike in some new nasty variant.
ReplySeveral months ago, CDC confirmed cloth masks have little effect on controlling COVID, yet our President and Governor have ignored the science. The Johns Hopkins University Study proved lockdowns were a mistake. Make masking voluntary now! Those concerned should wear an N95 mask. Let's move on.
ReplyApril?? Seriously? I have been comfortable NOT wearing a mask this whole time! I live by faith NOT fear. Wearing a mask harms your immune system over time, ( yes that is from DR's not misinformation!) we need to move on! I was NEVER even remotely comfortable wearing a mask, this question is backward
ReplyLet freedom ring!!!! 🇺🇸 🥳
ReplyMasks are horrible for you