Do you think workers who are denied COVID-19 exemptions should get unemployment?
They should get unemployment!
No, they shouldn't!
Not if they choose to deny the science and get their information on the internet trash line.
Reply ReplyIt is basically, a voluntary resignation. Same rules should apply as does with other resignations.
Reply ReplyTheir choice. Get a safe, effective and free vaccine to not only protect themselves but protect their family, friends and community…or not. They are so narcissistic that their political belief trumps everyone’s safety. Same with religious exemptions. Nope, they don’t deserve unemployment.
Reply ReplyWhat about the ones who have had Covid-19 and their immune system is better than the jab PERIOD
With any job if there are policies you don't agree with & refuse to follow, you are welcome to leave & find a different job!
Reply ReplyThey chose it, so no, they shouldn't be entitled to unemployment. That is for people who have NO other choice. I have read up on so-called "religious exemptions," and there are very few except for snake handlers and those types of really"out there" religions, People claiming that are faking it.
Reply ReplyYou have individual freedoms.. just not the freedom to effect someone else freedom by infecting them... you quit.. no pay... numbers don't lie and science does care what you believe.....
Reply Reply
Bodily autonomy is a sacred right here in oregon, from right-to-die to abortion. That this isn't being protected as an individual freedom illustrates a massive deviation from these principles. Combined with the inability of the current vaccine to prevent catching or spreading it, it's nonsensical.
ReplyAnytime you have to be mandated to do something, that most people will survive there is something wrong. Many have had Covid-19 and their immune system is better than the jab. Many worked through the pandemic before the vaccines and now they lose their job what's wrong with our government 😠
ReplyWhen they agreed to work, nothing was said about being fired for refusing vaccinations. Would they have been fired for refusing a tetanus shot? No! So this is no different.. The fact that they are not vaccinated does not make them any more or any less a worker.
ReplyMost of these employees worked the entire time during the pandemic, when others were too damn lazy and drew unemployment. I don't have a dog in this argument, but those that do - should get unemployment.
ReplyIt's terany that people are mandated to get the vaccine even if they want to
ReplyWhy are some people in the medical field refusing to get vaccinated? They know that COVID is not the deadly disease it is portrayed. They worked when they were needed. They should be paid if they are laid off. Anyone should if COVID is the excuse.