Do you think violent juveniles should be eligible for parole?
Yes, they should!
Absolutely not!
I don't think they should be eligible for parole. They have committed serious crimes.
I don't think they should be eligible for parole. They have committed serious crimes.
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Brenda Gerardo Abbott
I knew Barb, and to have her beaten by her son while conscious is beyond being eligible for parole . She was so nice and she loved him so much. I do believe some cases should be but not this one
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Rick Allen
NO we already have a horrible crime problem because the lunatic left is easy on criminals and hard on good citizens! The Dems do everything backwards, this country is in horrible shape and it IS DEFINITELY due the the Dems lack of any commonsense leadership!!
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Dianne Price
Especially for murder!! Every kid knows the difference between RIGHT & WRONG, from a young age!! The "teens" in question knew what they were doing!!
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Well, only if they have been rehabilitated, obviously.
ReplyPsychologically speaking teens lack the ability to consider consequences prior to making decisions and taking action. This isn't speculation, as there is scientific evidence that support this. Biologically the areas of the brain that are a part of decision making aren't fully developed until later.
ReplyIf the belief is that adults convicted of violent crimes can be paroled because they won't re-offend, juveniles should also get that chance since they are more likely to change their life path than an adult.
ReplyEverybody makes mistakes especially kids