Do you think there will be situations when you'll still wear a mask, after the mandate is lifted?
Yes, I will wear it in some places.
No, I won't wear it anymore.
With Omicron, why would I? If I get Omicron, it will provide me antibodies / t-cell response that could save me if there is ever a dangerous variant. ONLY reason I would ever wear a mask is if I had to be around an extremely immunocompromized person... that should have always been the standard.
Reply ReplyNo more. Just because they are lifting the mandate doesn't mean it's permanently gone. They worked too hard to get that much control to let it go.
Reply ReplyMy Doctor told me from the beginning not to wear one but I was forced into it. Even with the letter from our Doctor. My sister was forced into it too and now her heart condition is worse. This was proven by the Doctor. We will NEVER wear one again after this is over
Reply Replyhaven't worn one in over a year wont go places that ask me to still alive
Reply ReplyMasks don't work! We've all seen people in stores pulling down thier masks to wipe thier nose or rub thier eyes then touch everything on the shelf. Look at infection rates throughout the mask mandates. If masks worked why would so many be infected? Just common sense.
Reply ReplyAbsolutely NOT! We need to use our immune system, long term masking harms our immune system, we need to live with it period! This whole thing has been a control freak show! I live by faith NOT fear!
Reply ReplyShouldn't have been wearing them once the vaccine was done! Stupid powergrab by big government
Reply Reply
Masks do work
ReplyNot for covid per se but I will wear a mask if I have to fly and feel sick, sneezing, coughing. I can't say how many times I've contracted an illness after sitting next to a snotty, coughing, sneezing human on an airline trip.
ReplyCovid is declining (at the moment!) because enough people have taken precautions but we still have to be smart. Wearing a mask is pretty easy compared to being paralyzed and intubated.
ReplyUntil there are no covid cases!!
ReplyHeck yes, I want Oregon residents to be healthy and business's to stay open for more than just a couple months.
ReplyAbsolutely! I will probably wear it in all indoor public areas. There are still so many people that refuse to protect themselves and others by refusing to get the vaccine. Over 50 deaths in just one day like today? Another variant out there? I'm not risking my life or anyone else's, it's staying on.
ReplyI know from my work as a care provider in a hospital that the virus is still being transmitted. Until the positivity rate of SARS-Covd-2 remains at 5% and less, I will continue to take precautions to protect myself and my community.
ReplyYes I have an immunol compromised system
ReplyI would prefer to keep wearing the mask there's a new virus all the time I really feel that some numbers are fudged. Just because so many voters and I do mean voters and not the people that count you know like CDC have complained to the government about they want normalcy . (PART 1 OF 2)
ReplyProbably so. Just depends on the situation. Like crowded spaces, I might still wear one.
ReplyNever say never. Who knows what's around the corner?