Do you think the person who leaked the draft Roe v. Wade opinion should face criminal charges?
Yes, they should face criminal charges!
No, they shouldn't!
Richard Martinson
Quit trying to deflect from the main story. The Supreme Court is playing politics and attempting to remove constitutional rights from American citizens. Leaking the memo is not the issue - the assault on democracy is!
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Rick Lewis
Kgvz is nothing but a fox outlet ask you a question like this shows me that you're just nothing but a trump follower anyone that works for Fox is a pathetic excuse for a news person
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This is not about abortion... leaking SCOTUS draft decisions is a clear threat to unbiased deliberations of justices, regardless of ideology
ReplyIsn't it funny when Trump was in office the leaks were like a river. Truthful or not. But you couldn't squeeze a teaspoonful out of the Durham investigation. The only information is when there is a new indictment revealed. Start sending people to prison.
ReplyThe justices are there to interpret the law not make it.
ReplyYes, and they should be disbarred at the very least.
ReplyI messed up. I vote NO... not yes. Dang it.
ReplyRegardless of my opinion on the Supreme Court's decision, leaking ANY information should result in serious consequences.
ReplyIt was probably released by a democrat to cause riots, btw life begins at conception