Do you think the deadline for the COVID-19 vaccination mandate should be extended for everyone?
Yes, we need more time!
No, why do we keep delaying it?
I think the deadline should be kept because it will make more people get the vaccine in the coming weeks.
I think the deadline should be kept because it will make more people get the vaccine in the coming weeks.
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Kenneth Emmrich
Isn't the answer obvious. Get vaccinated to drastically reduce your chances of getting Covid.
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Robert Northrup
What are they dying of, it certainly isn't COVID. We have only had 4 or 5 people die with COVID in the last month in Deschutes County.
Mike Everstone
This is simple. Are you (News 21) empowering people to feel comfortable in not taking the vaccine? Allowing them to further to put our community and country in a state of directly killing me, my family and themselves? You, as a news agency providing true information should be honest.
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NO ONE should have to get the Vaccine...PERIOD! YES I got it!
ReplyOver 100 people die in Oregon every day. More people die because they are obese than any other condition. Obesity and COVID will most likely be a recipe for death. Why don't we require people to maintain a healthy body weight.
ReplyNo one be forced to put something in their body they don't believe in
ReplyLets GO Brandon
ReplyYes extend it indefinitely. There should be no mandate.
ReplyThere shouldn't be a mandate at all, forcing people to inject foreign substances into their bodies. Especially considering a virus that has a 99% survival rate where 80% of the people that get it don't even know they have it or barely feel symptoms.
ReplyThe mandates actually should be eliminated permanently.