Do you think people should be granted non-medical COVID-19 vaccine exemptions?
Yes, they should be granted exemptions.
No, I think it should be mandatory.
I feel MY freedoms are being disrespected by those who stupidly refuse the vaccine and masking.
Reply ReplyWe sometimes as a society have to help those who can't make good decisions for themselves.
Reply ReplyUnless you can't get the vaccine due to medical conditions, get the vaccine!!
Reply ReplyUntil everyone is vaccinated this isn't going away! Not that I think it will ever go away.
Reply ReplyEveryone should be vaccinated. The people that are refusing to get the shot are self centered, not caring about any of the elderly, people that don't have a strong immune system, children, and many others. They should be held legally responsible if they get others sick or people die around them.
Reply Reply27 people on a cruise ship acquired COVID even though they were 98.9% vaccinated. One died. They caught it from each other. Are you willing to accept your own judgement if you get COVID and pass it on to others?
Had not all people taken the Sabin polio vaccine, polio would still be affecting our lives. To not get vaccinated against the Covid is extremely selfish. BTW, God gave us brains to think and reason.
Reply ReplyThings will never be normal again if we (all of us) don't attack the virus head on.
Reply Reply
This is still America and people have the right to decide what goes into their bodies. Yes I took the vaccine, my choice.
ReplyThey shouldn't tell us what to put in our bodys
ReplyI was told by my Doctor NOT to take the vaccine based on my experience with life threatening reactions in the past. Therefore I know that reactions are possible.
ReplyOUR BODY, OUR CHOICE! We should have a decision what we do WITH OUR OWN BODIES!
ReplyWe are still a "free" country at this point in time. That is one of the reasons so many people come to live here from Russia, China, etc. I chose the vaccine, but I believe everyone should still have a choice.
ReplyEveryone should have a choice about what goes into their body. Not everyone is willing to jump off a cliff because government and business says too. No one owns my body.
Reply100% people should get to choose.
ReplyWe should be able to make our own decisions, this is supposed to be the land of the free.
ReplyYou should be able to have a conversation with your doctor to decide if you want vaccinated or not, NOT to have the govt tell you what you are going to get. And then to require papers? to be allowed into local stores and outdoor venues? I'll say no to that even though I chose vaccination
ReplyIt should be a choice, plain and simple. If you want it get it, if you don't don't.
ReplyBecause they are learning more about the virus and the effectiveness of the vaccine and the natural antibodies. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1
Replybecause this shot doesn't prevent covid completely and ppl whom have it can still spread the variant. besides what every happened to MY BODY MY CHOICE !
ReplyI strongly believe people should be able to make the choice for themselves. Forcing someone to take the vaccine feels so very wrong. We should have a choice over what we put into our body.
ReplyBecause the "medical experts" have refused to debate the safety and efficacy of the vaccines with other medical professionals who feel they are harmful or ineffective. There has been absolutely ZERO transparency.
ReplyMy body my choice what goes in it
ReplyI live a healthy lifestyle and only take one prescribed pill a day. I've gotten the flu even though I had the current shot. Why should I or anyone else be forced to accept any shot or pill? If you are scared get a shot, mask up and keep your distance?
ReplyThere is no long-term safety data on the vaccines and a lot of virologists are expressing concern that in 2-5 years we may see a large increase in vaccine-induced disease. It would be foolish to vaccinate a majority of people as there would be nobody to run things if this worst-case scenario happens