Do you think more police funding would reduce crimes?
Nora Spangler
If we're going to spend more money We need more Mental Health services and an "accepting" culture for those that want to seek help.
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Kevin Crabtree
Not without Punishment for crime not police fault its society make an example of criminals do not coddle them
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More police, DA's who will prosecute and judges who will convict!!! We need LAW & ORDER BACK!
ReplyGetting rid of the demented Democrats soft on crime and hard on good citizens policy's would reduce crime! Having more concealed carry citizens would certainly help! Putting God and Godly values back in this country is the ultimate solution! The lefts ungodly policies are destroying this country!
ReplyIf the masses can't seem to control themselves then more police would be beneficial.
ReplyFirst step is to make criminals accountable for their actions, also reinstate laws to make drugs illegal again. We also need to respect the police and not put blame on them for criminal's actions. and yes, more funding is desperately needed. Never should have been defunded.
ReplyGoes without saying
ReplyYes, defunding the police is stupid idea, stores need extra security gun control is not the answer
ReplyI think Hummel has been a disaster & it’s past his time to move on. Just an opinion. Deschutes Co. is only growing faster & having less police makes no sense. The crime has only been rising.
Replyof course , silly question!