Do you think Bend-La Pine Schools should re-evaluate their sponsorship policies?
This is flat out ridiculous. Nosler is a long time local, family-owned employer, with a great history of supporting the community and it's high school sports teams. The ultra liberal "Bendifornians" need to find something worthwhile to bitch about because this is not it.
Reply ReplyNosler is a family on business that has supported schools for years before there were very many sponsors, they also supplied excellent jobs for people when they were very few employers in Bend we should be grateful to them not hateful! Many guns are used for sporting events , competition and fun.
Reply ReplyBecause guns are not bad. They are a tool. People being irresponsible with guns are the problem. Let Nosler give our student athletes help!!!
Reply ReplyBecause guns are not bad. They are a tool. People being irresponsible with guns are the problem. Let Nosler give our student athletes help!!!
Reply ReplyPlease KTVZ post the whole issue rather than this blanket question in that Sponsors have been giving money to the community for a very long time and if some newbie has a problem with the sponsors; they should do their homework beforehand rather than wanting a blanket question to the public. Sheesh
Reply ReplyNosler is a long-time, family owned local company that has made great contributions to our community over the decades. They primarily manufacture high grade sporting ammunition. Thank them for their sponsorship and move on. This complaint is ridiculous.
Reply Reply
Would you favor alcohol and tobacco companies sponsoring school events? Thought not. Guns and bullets are in the same category. Former Nosler employees and former Mt. View High students involved in recent murders in Bend. Not good role models for our kids.
ReplyAdvertisements at schools supporting any kind of weapon related items are not appropriate. Just ask the kids at Parkland, but you won't be able to reach them all...
ReplyWell DUH, Ammo, alcohol..... We can do better!
ReplyAdvertising bullets have no place in school
ReplyAmmunition and firearms manufacturers sponsoring school events is like Ted Bundy chaperoning the homecoming dance.
ReplyPeople should get your kids out of the woke school district