Do you support changing Bend codes to establish Climate-Friendly Areas?
It's a waste of taxpayer dollars studying this. Focus on the homeless, failing streets, public safety and infrastructure. You know, the things cities are supposed to focus on. Enough of the "feel good" stuff.
Reply ReplyThis is NOT as important an issue as the homelessness in this area, as you had previously reported on. The USA has made Huge strides with cleaning the climate. Talk to India and China to work on climate issues.
Reply ReplyI am so fed up with the liberals making decisions for all of the citizens. From Governor Kotek to Bends city council. Our state government is following the disasterous policies of Gavin Newsom that so many have fled. Vote them out and get Oregon back. We should vote for what effects us.
Reply ReplyCan you say waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars? no one GAS about climate friendly areas, bring back old Bend...
Reply ReplyHelp with what? Do you really think some neighborhood with no cars will make any difference whatsoever in the ultimate level of global temperature? Maybe 1 one hundred billionth of one degree of difference 100 years from now at taxpayers expense? It’s like wearing a mask for Covid. Does nothing!

This isn't necessarily because there is no climate emergency, watch praguru
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Big mistake thinking the slack-jawed locals would ever approve of anything named "climate friendly." That aside, the underlying land use objectives do promote a more sustainable design for the future of the community. Keep the concept, lose the name. The inbreeders will never know the difference.
ReplyWhy wouldn't I? It mystifies me how anyone could be against this type of proposal. Who would rather drive a car, spend money on gas, pollute our surroundings, instead of walking or riding , and having local services?
ReplyEveryone in Bend should have the opportunity to live a blissful car-free life where you can walk to everything you need. Think historic European cities. Think college campuses. Think Disneyland. Our social fabric, carbon footprint, and housing woes can all be solved by dense, walkable neighborhoods.
ReplyIt's a win for our community's future to promote more housing close to services and businesses. It reduces reliance on driving, emissions, household costs, and the cost (to all tax payers) of extending utilities and infrastructure compared to building all our housing on the edges of town.
ReplyClimate Friendly Areas are a great tool for helping direct and manage that growth with intention in ways that enhance our livability. CFAs will help Bend deliver more diverse housing options in the most climate friendly ways possible.