Do you support a monthly limit on ammunition purchases in Oregon?
Yes, for safety.
No, not practical.
this is a very stupid bill by individuals that have no knowledge of target shooting or sighting a firearm in before hunting and numerous other reasons that I can name.
Reply ReplyLimiting legal purchases has no affect on criminals or criminals use. Stop trying to punish law abiding citizens for criminals actions
Reply ReplyThis law will not stop a single crime...….. Again you come for the law abiding person. How about reloading ammo. does not limit them to 20 rounds a month.
Reply ReplyThis shouldn’t even be up for debate, but a group of high school kids all of a sudden have the governors ear....why?
Reply ReplyIt's stupid, idiotic, illegal and will do nothing to stop an evil person from harming another one.
Reply ReplyStop trying to infringe on our rights as law abiding gun owners due to crazy individuals. Impaired drivers kill,maim people each yr. I don't hear cries for background checks or limits on booze/cars
Reply ReplySilly! Practice is key with anyone who owns a gun. 20 rounds a month would limit the ability to practice efficiently.
Reply ReplySometimes zeroing a rifle with a new scope takes a large amount of amo. Further target practice requires more amo to become proficient at the sport of target shooting.
Reply ReplyI've gone through six hundred rounds in a day target shooting before.
Reply ReplyThe Bill is designed to turn lawful responsible gun owners into felons.
Reply ReplyI do not believe that I should be limited any more than our ridiculous laws already do limit me. I am a law abiding citizen. I have not committed any crimes and have passed my back ground checks.
Reply ReplyIt's unconstitutional and would leave us vulnerable. Also the Pittman Robertson Act of Federal Excise taxes on firearm and ammunition sale for ODF&W and Conservation is Oregon would evaporate.
Reply ReplyAbsolutely not. What part of "Shall not be Infringed" is so damned difficult to understand?.. Keep poking the sleeping bear..
Reply ReplyWhats the limit How would Trap shooters and other shooters even be able to continue in there sport.
Reply ReplyOregon has adequate gun control laws and this was re-enforced by the presence of several thousand 2nd amendment supporters at the State Capital March 23rd. Where was Z21's rally coverage?
Reply ReplyThis will just place it one step to taking away our rights to bear arms.
Reply ReplyImpractical, knee jerk reaction that will accomplish nothing positive while making so many criminals. It will not restrict true criminals just the rest of us.. .foolish!
Reply ReplyWhat about us handloaders? Is the state going to limit how many primers I can buy. Or how many shells I can reload. Kate brown does not speak for all of oregon.
Reply ReplyIt is unpractical for gun owners to be limited to such a small amount of ammunition. For a CCW or hunter or for folks that own guns for self protection, they need to practice to be proficient.
Reply ReplyThe only gun laws that need to be passed are the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and the sportsman hearing protection act.
Reply ReplyThe bill which includes this ammunition purchase limitation is so blatantly unconstitutional that no comment is needed. "Not practical"?? Give me a break!
Reply ReplyNot practical at all, I bird hunt and hunt big game when I am able. Shotgun shells are sold in boxes of 25 and on a weekend hunt I may shoot 3 boxes.
Reply ReplyGuns and ammo are my choice to make. Do not infringe on my constitutional rights.
Reply Replythe problem is not the access to the amount of ammo, but the automatic weapons meant for military/warfare use.
Reply Reply"automatic weapons"!!! you have no clue at all what it takes or the cost to buy a "automatic weapon"
Fail, sorry troll. you are out of your realm here. You can't even distinguish semi auto action firearms to "automatic firearms"
You obviously have no knowledge of firearms. Why is an ignorant person like yourself tryin to make choices for the trained, practiced, proficient, and safety conscious people who own and use firearms?
This proposal is impractical and counterintuitive. To remain competent and safe in any skill or endeavor takes practice. A serious shooter spends hours per month shooting hundreds of rounds.
Reply ReplyHunting and sport shooting has long been an American past time. The people putting this bill forward have no idea of this way of life and the limitations this would cause. It's an overreach of power
Reply ReplyBecause I'm a citizen and not a gang member criminal. I don't need big brother to impose anti-2nd Amendment unconstitutional laws on me.
Reply ReplyThis law would solve ABSOLUTELY nothing! First off, law abiding citizens (who could diffuse a mass casualty situation with proper engagement of a violent subject) being limited on they’re ability....
Reply ReplyIt’s a rediculous attempt to step on law abiding citizens second amendment rights. Just another attempt to disarm gun owners
Reply ReplyLook at your history. All socialist governments came into power by disarming their citizens. We are on a slippery slope. Gun violence is a matter of the heart. Stop blaming guns!
Reply ReplyWhat will this accomplish other than making participating in shooting sports more difficult and limiting training? No crimes will be stopped. Just a way to limit legal gun usage.
Reply ReplyThere is no need in punishing the honest person. Crinmals will find a way to get there hands on ammunition.
Reply ReplyThis is punitive and ridiculous for law abiding citizens. One more way to continue to take our guns.
Reply ReplyI believe in gun control, but limiting ammunition to 20 rounds a month is not practical. For those people who like the sport of target shooting, 20 rounds doesn’t make a drive to the range worth it
Reply ReplyAgainst our rights!!! This is one of the most ridiculous ideas, extremely childish.
Reply ReplyThis would be a big negative effect on an individuals profession, like mine! I'm a Professional Gun Dog Trainer, and I shoot for training more than the proposed limited monthly amount,... Daily!
Reply Reply
It is beyond time to put limits on guns and ammunition. We should follow the lead of the New Zealand Prime Minister and just ban assault weapons. Enough is enough.
Replybecause if you need more than that to practice shooting your gun, you don't need a gun.