Do you agree with Deschutes County's decision not to proceed with a managed camp?
Kathy Hudson
Because it was a solution and Adair and DeBone have no alternatives. We need solutions not obstacles to solving our houseless problem.
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Kim Moller
The County needs to step up and help alleviate the homeless/houseless problem. This was a good effort now shot down by two people on the County Commission. They offer no alternatives. Poor leadership from DeBone and Adair. Very disappointing.
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sandra zollman
The city has a reputation for not involving or listening to the public. Numerous times the city council has left the public out of their decisions knowing that the public would not be in agreement with them. They have shown extreme arrogance towards taxpayers. Commissioners want more input by the pu
Moving a disaster nightmare from one location to another is pathetic! Oh poor Melanie was surprised by this last minute decision by the county. Well, now you know how we the community feel when you make decisions without any input from the citizens.You are a horrible mayor to dump this garbage on us
ReplyAs a tax payer I don't want to pay for shelters for the unemployed but I simply don't trust the city council or the mayor concerning the camp.
ReplyThis would be an Enabling idea for for people who choose to live the 'Homeless' lifestyle.
ReplyIt's time for "tough love". We can't keep enabling the behavior we've seen on Hunnel Road and simply move it across town, "managed" or not. Google "Coronado CA Homeless" and see what they have done to almost eliminate homelessness. It can be done, but not the way Bend is trying to do it.
ReplyKeibler, the Les Schwab location was NOT a solution just a speedy bandaid applied to a stop bleeding. Bend needs more than just a bandaid...
ReplyWe need homeless centers that do not impact local businesses. These centers should be sited away from business areas and those locations along major roadways.
ReplyPutting it there would have put many people in jeopardy and would have hurt many businesses.
ReplyHow dare the County Commission listen to their constituents!! Well...all except Chang.
Replythis is a bandaid, its massaging the symptoms, not addressing the cause, but more importantly the people don't want it. That's why the commissioners voted no. They listened to their consituents.
ReplyBecause noone looked at putting the encampment on the West Side. That would be too close to home.
ReplyFinally someone stood up and said No.Until officials realize that just throwing money and providing free stuff actually promotes homelessness and stops the practice, the problem will not go away. I believe most are happy with the free stuff and freedom to do drugs or whatever they want .
ReplyThe city failed to involve the community in three location that the homeless safe parking was supposed to move to. The mayor says that this issue involves the community but clearly doesn't value the community's opinion. This was a one-sided power move by a politician.
ReplyGlad to see more "reasonable heads" prevailed. Free camping on public property should not be allowed, it only promotes more of the same humanitarian disaster by individuals that live this lifestyle by choice.
ReplyPoor location as south entrance to Bend. Not enough answers to the homeless problem.
ReplyWe need to look at the "root cause" of this problem locally and nationally. Our Governments have contributed to this problem and it needs to be corrected with a change in direction which starts with the Federal Government down to local communities.
ReplyThe solution is not enabling them with services and help. Its a drug problem. Address that. They are not local people, they came here because Bend offers a place to stay and continue to use drugs whenever they want. City Council is NOT in the favor of the tax payers. They want to push the problem
ReplyIt's about time If you did not become homeless while living in bend oregon then we cannot help Go back to your home state for help
ReplyThe location was unacceptable on many levels.
ReplyStop enabling them to stay homeless. Quit giving them everything, force them to change their lives.
ReplyBuild more homeless shelters instead