Are you satisfied with your home's internet speeds?
A few years ago, there were very few choices available. Now there's cell phone providers with Internet. My choice back then used DSL and it's often choked off by other users, or system inadequacy of another sort. Prices are lower now buying faster speeds for less. Changed providers this morning.
Reply ReplyI live in Sisters and my speed is supposed to be 600Mbps...Never comes close to that, and Bendbroadband doesn't have an Internet speed test...
Reply ReplyThere's plenty of internet speed tests online (e.g., Google and others). In order to reliably test close to 600 Mbps you'll need a 1 Gbps ethernet connection to the modem.
We have Bend Broad Band. Poor WiFi reception and system. Had them out several times and even bought a new TV. Wasn’t the TV at all. It was their box that broke down. So frustrated!
Reply ReplyBendBroadband is one of the worst businesses I have had the displeasure of using. Horrible service and management.
Reply ReplyCenturyLink needs to offer higher speed internet in our area and we refuse to sign back.up with the only cable company in Central Oregon. Especially now that it's owned by a huge company out of state.
Reply Reply
I have 1 Gbps with no caps from Bend Broadband. Bought my own modem at Best Buy; no rental fees. Usually test over 850-900 Mbps (with a hard wired ethernet connection to the router.
ReplyYup - you get what you pay for! Unlike some areas of greater Bend, I have had zero problems with my cable internet provider (BBB) for the last 20+ years.
ReplyI've had US Cellular phone service for 8 years now. I just switched to their home internet, free modem, $50 a month. With the ACP program it's $20 a month. I'm very satisfied so far!
ReplyZiply, 1Gb down, 1Gb up for $50 a month . . . Try and beat that BBB!
ReplyIn Prineville we use Prinetime, local and excellent service , price and speed.