Are you looking forward to tourists returning to Central Oregon this summer?
Yes, it's good for the economy!
No, they should stay home!
Too many tourists in town crowding out locals for spots at the river, restaurants, parks, anywhere we want to go. Cars everywhere, long lines of cars along Riverside and roundabouts. In the 13 years we've been here the peaceful little town has become a place for locals to stay away from in summer.
Reply ReplyNo, we don't want them here, they're rude and snobby and DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE.
Reply ReplyWe are still in the middle of a pandemic. If they can prove they are vaccinated
Reply ReplyThey may be good for economy, but they act very superior when they come here.
Reply ReplyNO!! Bend is overrun by tourists and people looking to move here. The Chamber needs to tone it down and quit encouraging people to come here and move here. Our economy is doing just FINE without extra people here for any reason!! Covid is not gone. Building cannot keep up. Tourists not welcome!
Reply ReplyMany visitors become residents. Buying homes locals can't afford. Over 10% in home prices last month because people coming here think a million isn't too much to pay to live here.
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