Are you fed up with people who don't wear masks or not?
Yes !
No, I don't care.
What CDC are you listening to. Dr Fauci clearly states we can stop the spread by wearing a mask. I only listen to the true source of info and not 2nd and 3rd partys.
Face masks are useless!! If you do the research you will see , Brown is a lunatic. bought & paid for idiot.
Reply ReplyWearing a loose piece of cloth to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to stop mosquitos. Cultish insanity.
Reply ReplyBecause I have a note from my Doctor stating i cannot wear a mask due to health reasons and people look at me like Im the bad guy.
Reply ReplyIf your doctor says you have a legitimate health condition that makes mask wearing bad for you, don't worry about not wearing your mask, But protect yourself from others who don't mask up.
Because Self righteous indignation is such an ugly horse to ride in on.
Reply ReplySad to say, but it’s a virus everyone is going to get it. My family did and we wear masks everyday. Hard to do physical labor wearing one, can’t breathe, always adjusting it, hot, the bacteria growth, fogs up safety glasses. Having to wear one on a warehouse that gets over 100 degrees is suicide
Reply ReplyNot really!.......my reflection is these are the people that we're focused on that are possibly virus positive, that are filling our hospitals we hear about here on KTVZ, don't you know!!!
Reply ReplyIt is everyone's responsibility to protect others that we live with in this community. It's not hard to wear a mask. It's your socially conscious duty to protect others.
Reply ReplyLet people live why do you and the government think you have the right to tell me how to live my own life.
Reply ReplyI dont ask people to get into my space, I keep my distance. It deprives your body of oxygen and when you have asthma, you don't want to restrict that. I will cover my mouth not my nose period if req
Reply Replylife is dangerous, ways to die all around us , natures way of thinning the herd.
Reply Reply
What so few understand is that this disease can create lifelong health problems even if people "recover" from the virus. Wearing a mask is the only decent and caring thing to do
ReplyIf you do not ware a mask you could be the cause of someone dying. Why not listen to the medical experts.
ReplyIt is such a simple thing to do for the benefit of many. Research shows it decreases the cases of new COVID.
ReplyI"m 60 & on immunosuppression. Covid could kill me. I faithfully wear a mask and maintain 6 feet as best I can when I (rarely) go out. Those who don't should be charged with reckless endangerment.
ReplyI worry over everyone I prey for my family to stay 💯safe. And for our state to get relief from this Pendemic
ReplyThey are being selfish and disregard how their negligence can put others at risk. If I wear a mask, I protect you. If you wear a mask, you protect me. This is how this works. We protect each other.
ReplyIf you are asymtomatic, you can avoid spreading the virus.
ReplyWe have to stop it
ReplyThey are disrespectful of others and until there is a world wide vaccine, everyone must wear a mask, stay 6+ feet apart. This is equivalent to the time cigarettes were band in public bldgs, etc.
ReplyIt is crazy not to with all the medical experts telling us to and when a large community does the cases of covid-19 are very low or non existent. Dont kill some one by not wearing one.
ReplyYes! I am fed up with those who refuse to wear masks!
ReplyFor fricks sake, it's been a year. How are you still so perplexed that masks are required in stores? Yes, masks. Yes, you. Yes, still.
ReplyThere are many people who have no symptoms of this deadly virus and wearing a mask could keep them from killing someone. Manslaughter is still illegal in this country, someone who gives someone the virus, intentionally or not by not wearing a mask should be charged if the other person dies.
ReplyPlease enforce the mask order. Sunriver put up a few TEENY TINY signs + can't seem to enforce anything. People from SR have been taken by ambulance to Saint Charles, visitors! SR is NEGLIGENT
ReplyIf they don't work, why do you think doctor and nurses wear them? Again, better safe than sorry. And stop being such babies!
ReplyNot "fed up," but I do try to avoid them while wearing my mask.