Are high gas prices making you reconsider owning an electric vehicle?
Yes, they are!
No, not really
I can buy a ****LOT**** of gasoline for the money an Electric Vehicle would cost... ****AND**** my gas-consuming vehicles are a ****LOT**** more cost-effective over the next 10 years ***AND*** much less damaging to the environment NOW and in the FUTURE. I will NEVER buy an EV.
Reply ReplyElectric cars are great for around town. They can not replace my truck for towing. Taking a boat to prineville reservoir from bend and back is pretty taxing if not impossible for most Electric vehicles currently. I don't want to make it home with 3% battery hoping nothing happens along the way.
Reply ReplyThey are still to expensive, don't have a far enough reach and there is not enough infrastructure. We aren't there yet. Maybe in 10 years, but not now.
Reply ReplyI am considering an electric vehicle, but gas prices really don't play a part in this decision.
Reply ReplyWill never buy an electric vehicle! The cost and maintenance over the long term just don't pencil out.
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The arrogance of our country thinking we can make a difference in changing the climate is laughable. Especially when countries such as China, India, Russia and those in South America do not pay attention to any of it.
Reply ReplyNOT HARDLY! First of all I do not like them and would never buy one! Secondly I will not be forced by the liberal lunatic left!!!
Reply ReplyI will when they are feasible they are not I am in the auto business they have just as many negative's as positives. But in 5-10 years maybe we will see Hydrogen or Bio fueled would have been a better way to go but whatever Politicians think is best for us
Reply ReplyWe need to find a better way to store electricity before electric vehicles will be feasible for the whole of society.
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I really wish I had one!
ReplyWhen charging stations are ubiquitous, I would seriously consider buying an EV.
ReplyWe definitely ought to do away with fossil fuels, and EV's are a way to do it, but we ought to address our out of control car culture too and make vast, revolutionary investments into robust public transit.
ReplyWhat you do mean "reconsider"? I considered one before, now I'm strongly considering it.