Were Indiana players faking injuries to slow Husker tempo?
Heck yeah they were
Not sure about that
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ReplyNo doubt about it.
ReplyLinebacker hurries back to his position looks at the sideline to get the next call. Reads said call and immediately drops to the ground. Sorry but every "injury" after that lost all credibility.
ReplyIt's obvious
ReplyIt’s obvious. But it’s not why the Huskers lost.
ReplyIt was. More than obvious. Soccer level obvious. Saw one in the auburn LSU game as well. But even more flagrant. Something has to be done in the off-season rules meetings. Sad day for football.
ReplyGreasy A-Holes
ReplyAnyone could tell they was faking it.
ReplyWhy would the B1G let this stand? There is no question about what happened.
ReplyIt’s really not rocket science here folks. They clearly were faking a lot of this and interestingly how one of those fainting goats happens to be the son of the coach! Go figure!
ReplyI think everyone of the 6 times they were injured it was on a second down. That is way to coincidental to not have been coached.
ReplyJust look at the timing, it was very obvious. They were prepared to do this. It was not the first team to do that over the past couple of years, but this was the most obvious. Pathetic!
ReplyI wasn't in a position to watch the game, but listened to the entire game. I was thinking the same thing, just listen to it. Just when we had tempo and progress....boom a Indiana player goes down.
Replywhen we went uptempo......the went down several times......coincidental?
ReplyNever like to accuse where health is concerned, but most of these were obvious.
ReplyI was at the game with a good view of the Indiana bench. None of these so-called injured players received medical attention when they reached the sidelines.
ReplyObviously faked, at least most of them were. When a player gets up fine then suddenly falls, it's pretty suspect. Would love to see a shot of the sideline to see if there was any signal
ReplyIn the second quarter one of their linebackers went down favoring his right shoulder. When he left the field, he switched it to favoring his left. Not sure he was faking, or just confused.
ReplySome injuries were probably real, but it's unlikely that all were. Indiana's AD obviously showed bad sportsmanship for his comments. He really has no idea what Frost and the coaches feel about them.
ReplyEven the announcer said it
ReplyBTN Announcers were commenting all game on this, and they are more impartial than me.
ReplyUh..Heck YES !!!!!!!..If their coaches told them to do it, I would hope that the Big 10 administration will take action on this...
ReplyI was there and as a fan nobody should boo a player being hurt. But if you watch the video one has to wonder if that was a tactic of Indiana. In my opinion the MVP should go to #44. Injured 3 times.