The top Husker NFL lineman - Will Shields or Mick Tingelhoff?
Will Shields
Mick Tingelhoff
I knew his cousin, who had always said he belonged in the HoF. Just didn’t happen as soon as it should have.
Reply ReplyI was going to go with Will Shields, but looking at the summary above 17 ys vs 14, 4SB appearances, 240 games vs 231. However, Will's 12 pro bowls almost swayed me. I wish tie was an option.
Reply ReplyTingelhoff because the game was not so specialized in his tenure....let's not forget big Bob Brown either when comparing best Husker lineman in the NFL!!
Reply ReplyI read the stats accompanying this poll. If you compare them both are GREAT... but Mick's numbers are better.
Reply ReplyTingelhoff. There was nobody tougher at Lexington, the U of Nebraska, or the Minnesota Vikings. He pays the price today but he was a gentle and unmatched WARRIOR.
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One of the greatest in the modern Era