Should the NCAA seek to be exempt from antitrust regulation?
Yes, need to control
First OFF, I love BEER. I know beer was in stadium pre covid, when thermos, etc were allowed. Often folks showed up drunk. BUT it was not a big problem (student section, etc.) But alcohol has gotten me into trouble and expect it to do the at games. Boo - wait til after game.
Reply ReplyI hate the idea of alcohol in Memorial Stadium. It will just lead to obnoxious drunks.
Reply ReplyI'm worried college games will resemble NFL games, with belligerent, vulgar fans everywhere you turn. College games need to remain a family-friendly atmosphere, where parents shouldn't be hesitant to take children.
Reply ReplyI'm worried college games will resemble NFL games, with belligerent, vulgar fans everywhere you turn. College games need to remain a family-friendly atmosphere, where parents shouldn't be hesitant to take children.
Reply ReplyI"m not looking forward to it. I already have people sitting around me that either come snockered or bring their little bottles of booze and bother us or even opposing fans by making smart remarks to them. It will not make things better. Dennis
Reply ReplyBooze seems to make some people speak before they think. I would guess they will have to increase their security guards and purchase more zip tie cuffs.
Reply ReplyNo matter how bad it looks, Dannen has to do what's necessary to keep the athletic department in the black financially. That's the bottom line. He can't allow millions in revenue to be lost just to save face.
Reply ReplyLive in Nashville and have been waiting for this game for years. TN canceled the first one for the VTech game in Bristol. We need to be playing more elite teams outside the big10. That was what the expanded playoffs were for, more best on best games. Now we look like the typical SEC team, weak.
Reply ReplyIt's not cowardice. Dannen only recently was given the numbers on when and how much the South Stadium renovation would cost. He made this move to add an 8th home game to keep the athletic dept from losing millions of $$.
I wouldn't use the word cowardly but it's a terrible decision for fans. I believe most fans would forego two guaranteed home wins for the chance to play Tennessee at home and on the road. It's a weak move on the football program's part
Reply ReplyNot all fans live in Big 10 country, and this was the one game on a future schedule that was within driving distance for me. Not to mention the Smoky Mountains would've been a great travel destination for our fans. The "stadium remodel" excuse seems like a cop-out.
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There are a number of legal issues that shall be on the floor and clarity might only be found with voice speaking college sports. Other wise it is government, or big schools versus little schools