Should the Big 10 try to start games in Oct/Nov or in January?`
Fall - Git 'er done!
Wait until January
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The sooner, the better, particularly with winter in Nebraska
ReplyEarly October and all is forgiven with the Big 10.
ReplyNo reason to hold back! The virus hardly ever puts this age group in the hospital & they risk injury every time they take the field!
ReplyIt's common sense. Young healthy people need to get on with their lives and those that are not healthy need to stay home. But let's not destroy the American way of life and become third world.
ReplyBitter done, best for All
ReplyCut down the number of fans, keep masked, stay apart, play ball.
ReplyThe players are safest in their team setting. They are young and will not even have to be hospitalized. They will not be sent home where they could spread to vulnerable members of their family!
ReplyWhy not start sooner this fall in October with new testing available that offers quick results? Makes no sense to conduct a winter/spring season. Who cares? The football championships are over.