Should receivers coach Keith Williams be allowed to keep his job?
It was outside of his work life. He will face the consequences in many other ways.
It was outside of his work life. He will face the consequences in many other ways.
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Loren Wissmann
His actions completely undermines what Reilly has said is a top priority for this program which is mentoring young men.
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Mike Leonard
in the deed the glory. the opposite is also true. we must have leaders by example. inexcuseable that we had a coach with two dui that was not on a program recieving help
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Chris Dahmke
Regardless the fact he is a great recruiter. He is not using good judgment and setting a bad example. We set the standard high on and off the field.
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seek rehab...speak to team bout choices...glad no one was hurt..ironic his accident was with uber driver..
ReplyGet him help. He should not lose his job because of this. He made a mistake and thank God noone was hurt.
ReplyHe made a huge mistake but should be allowed to get the help he needs. As bad as a DUI is, we have a "family" oriented University and we help our family in times of need!
ReplyOn the grounds he gets help or treatment. No help, no job.
ReplySeems like the best thing for him now is the support of the team, staff and administration ...kicking him to the curb doesn't sound "Nebraska-like" to me.
ReplyPeople make mistakes. Given that this is his first issue at NEB and nobody was hurt by his actions he should be provided education/rehab to help him understand the choices he is making in his life. Short leash moving forward and punishment greater than would be applied to a student athlete.
ReplyI think until we know the full story he stays also that he gets mandatory counseling and monitoring I trust coach Rhiley to make the right decision and people make mistakes that's life
ReplyIt appears he needs some help! I would say yes with treatment !
ReplyHe needs some help not punishment. He needs the support of his team and he will be able to counsel his crew from experience and hard knocks.
ReplyKeith Williams has done so much good for so many young men. I want him to keep supporting our Husker men. He is a member of our Husker family and I want him to stay. Love ya, coach. We've got your back as you go through this.
Replywe're human, every body does dumb dumb stuff. it is just good that no bodily injuries occurred, let the man coach.......
ReplyHe made a mistake.
ReplyThe man made a mistake, a mistake many others have made in regular life, politics, police etc. A man's career should not end as a result but he sure should do something about it.
ReplyYou wrap your arms around family and help them to make changes in their life. KW has a chance to be an even more powerful role model by overcoming these difficult obstacles in his life. He can serve as a real person and a great inspiration.
ReplyHope that he gets probation, gets into a treatment program, and then gets punished internally by the university. But not fired!