Should Martinez or McCaffrey get the start against Penn State?
He deserves a shot. We have seen what Martinez can and can't do for 2+ years. Not sure if it is confidence or what, but he seems to have regressed. Being challenged for the starting job may be the best thing for him. Put up or sit down. Hope McCaffery plays well tomorrow! GBR
Reply ReplyGive the kid a shot. Some players are practice players and some game players. Let's see if Luke has the "it" factor to elevate the play of those around him. If it's not working we can always see if Martinez is any better coming off the bench.
Reply ReplyWe need badly need an offensive spark. Let's give Luke a chance to see if he can provide it.
Reply Replyweve stuck with Matinez long enough. With 2 losses, this season will be a bust. Time to look to the future.
Reply ReplyI have been an avid Cornhusker fan my entire life. Martinez is good for a turn-over every game and does not know how to win ball games. Its time to move on to McCaffrey. Sorry Martinez, you're garbage
Reply ReplyA.M. has made too many mistakes as a 3rd year starter. time to give L.M. a shot.
Reply ReplyLet's see, decisiveness LM gets the edge, running threat LM gets the edge, precision passing LM gets the edge, the only thing Martinez has the edge on is experience which isn't helping him at all.
Reply ReplyMartinez is no longer is his freshman self. The O needs a spark, time to let someone else energize it.
Reply ReplyWe need a spark, and unfortunately Adrian lost his after the 2018 season.
Reply ReplyBetter passer and greater information processing bandwidth. Use Martinez as a changeup QB and slot receiver. Gotta get all the talent on the field and then use it.
Reply ReplyMcCaffrey seems to provide a spark to the whole team. He shows decisiveness, leadership and toughness.
Reply ReplyMartinez, while talented, waits a second to long with his targets. This gives defense time to catch up. McCaffrey has a faster release and better timing. More playing time will fix his misses.
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